merging neutron star's are major sources of gravitational waves

As the name implies, Gravity is the major cause of this phenomenon. So before we get down to this, we must acquire some basic facts about Gravity. First of all, you need to understand that gravity is not just a kind of force, but a curvature in Space time (Fusion of three dimensional space and the one dimension of time into a four dimensional manifold). Our entire universe is spread out by Space time like a rubber sheet. So all of the Celestial objects like Planets, Stars, Galaxies and black holes etc are kind of floating on this Space time fibre. These massive objects cause Space time curvature. Thus Gravitational waves are the disturbances in the curvature of Space time generated by accelerated massive objects, that propagate as waves outward from their source at the speed of light. 
Gravitational wave spectrum: Wikipedia

Early in 1915 it was predicted by Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. The first direct observation of Gravitational waves was made on 14th September 2015. That was announced by the LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory) and VIRGO collaborations on 11 February 2016. These Gravitational Waves happened when two Black holes crashed into one another. The collision happened about 1.3 billion years ago.The Gravitational waves can penetrate regions of space that electromagnetic waves cannot. 

In principle, Gravitational waves could exist at any frequency. Detecting and analysing the information carried by Gravitational waves is allowing us to observe the Universe in a way never possible before. Surely it will be a door to the kind of truth that will stir our minds. 

Science can make weird things sound absolutely normal and vice versa. Have a nice day all.


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