Nothing explains the state of "Quantum Superposition" as brilliantly as the Erwin Schrodinger's famous thought experiment : "The Schrodinger's Cat"Although at times regarded as a Paradox, this thought experiment was devised to point out the errors in the Copenhagen Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics, which suggested that " a particle exists at all states at once until observed". 
In this hypothetical scenario a cat is kept in a sealed chamber along with a Geiger counter( an instrument for detecting and measuring ionising radiation) a radioactive sample and a bottle of poison.

If the Geiger counter detects ionising radiation due to decay of radioactive sample, then the bottle of poison will break and the cat will die. Now Radioactivity is a "Spontaneous" phenomenon meaning there is only a probability for the sample to undergo decay. Since the chamber is sealed we can't know for sure whether the cat is alive or dead. Now according to the Copenhagen interpretation, the cat should be in a state of Superposition i.e, neither dead  or alive. Which is not going to go well with common sense. In Heisenberg's own words: "It prevents us from so naively accepting as valid a"blurred model" for representing reality".

Nevertheless Schrodinger's Cat has been used for pointing out the differences between the upcoming theories in Quantum Physics and is also used to test their way of approach towards the problem. Being one of the most amazing thought experiment in the realm of Quantum Physics, it is also one of my Favourite. Hope you guys enjoyed this article. Have a nice day.


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