

Most of us are familiar with the fancy scientific term " Worm hole " through movies or YouTube videos. It's bizarre physics and potential for manipulating " Space " and " Time " is what we are interested in. However, like most scientific phenomena, most of us have a pretty vague or partial understanding about how a wormhole works. For instance, the image posted along with this post is what many of us thinks a wormhole might look like. But in reality, a wormhole, if it exists, would be spherical rather than a circular tunnel . This is because we experience space as a 3 dimensional entity ( 3 D ). Movies like " Interstellar " could shed some light on the appearance of worm holes.A wormhole is also called an " Einstein-Rosen Bridge ". A wormhole visualised in 2-D: Wikipedia A wormhole can be seen as a tunnel having two ends which connects two different points in" Space-Time " (different location,different points in time, or b


Although a very common phenomena, a "Rainbow" is something which will always leave people baffled.They're breathtaking natural wonders, but the science behind them is much more beautiful and also very simple.  It owes it's magnificence to the three fundamental properties of light, namely:  Reflection - bouncing back of light from a surface. Refraction - change in the direction of light wave passing from one medium to another. Dispersion - separation of white light into different colours (different wavelength). Rainbows are a " Meteorological" phenomena caused by refraction,reflection and dispersion of sunlight in water droplets which forms a spectrum of light in mid air. It usually appears as a  circular arc. It is to be noted that a rainbow is not located at a specific distance from the observer, but comes from an " Optical illusion ", caused by water droplets viewed from a certain angle relative to a light source. This means they are not " P


merging neutron star's are major sources of gravitational waves As the name implies, Gravity is the major cause of this phenomenon. So before we get down to this, we must acquire some basic facts about Gravity.  First of all, you need to understand that gravity is not just a kind of force, but a curvature in Space time (Fusion of three dimensional space and the one dimension of time into a four dimensional manifold). Our entire universe is spread out by Space time like a rubber sheet. So all of the Celestial objects like Planets, Stars, Galaxies and black holes etc are kind of floating on this Space time fibre. These massive objects cause  Space time curvature. Thus Gravitational waves are the disturbances in the curvature of Space time generated by accelerated massive objects, that propagate as waves outward from their source at the speed of light.  Gravitational wave spectrum: Wikipedia Early in 1915 it was predicted by Einstein's General Theory of Relativity. The first direc


The term " Black Hole " was coined by American astronomer John Wheeler in 1967 but their existence was theorised by Albert Einstein back in 1916 itself. Contrary to most people's beliefs, black holes are not some " Cosmic Vacuum  Cleaners ". That's not how they work. A black hole can be thought of as a place in space where gravity is so strong that even light, the fastest thing in the universe according to Albert Einstein, can't escape its pull. The strong gravity is due to the fact that all of its matter has been crushed to a very little space called a " Singularity ". In order to understand that, we need to look at the formation of black holes. Mainly there are 3 types of black holes: Stellar  Supermassive Intermediate Stellar Black holes:   The most co mmon type of black holes found in the universe so far. As their names indicate, these are formed by stellar death or the death of a massive star. When a massive star burns through the las


  Nothing explains the state of " Quantum Superposition " as brilliantly as the Erwin Schrodinger's famous thought experiment :  " The Schrodinger's Cat " .  Although at times regarded as a Paradox, this thought experiment was devised to point out the errors in the Copenhagen Interpretation   of Quantum Mechanics , which suggested that " a particle exists at all states at once until observed ".    In this hypothetical scenario a cat is kept in a sealed chamber along with a Geiger counter ( an instrument for detecting and measuring ionising radiation) a radioactive sample and a bottle of poison. If the Geiger counter detects ionising radiation due to decay of radioactive sample, then the bottle of poison will break and the cat will die. Now Radioactivity is a " Spontaneous"  phenomenon meaning there is only a probability for the sample to undergo decay. Since the chamber is sealed we can't know for sure whether the cat is alive or de


Have you ever thought of light bulbs transmitting internet? Sounds a bit crazy right? Well that is the promise of " Photonics"  It is being hailed as the technology of the century and the world has already began witnessing some promising developments in this field. It is an area of study which deals with the use of light(a radiant energy) whose most fundamental building blocks are photons. It is regarded as the science and technology of generating,controlling and detecting photons, which are the fundamental particles of light.  The word "Photonics" appeared around 1960 when Laser was invented by Theodore Maiman. Popular opinion of scientists is that the 21st century technological developments would be dependant on "Photonics" just as the 20th century developments depended on Electronics . The scope and applications of Photonics seem endless. From defence and security to entertainment, manufacturing industry to health,telecommunications to consumer electron

